Water heater repair

        tel. +371  26814030

About us

Our experience is 22 years!

Thank you for your interest in learning more about us. We are a company with 22 years of experience specializing in water heater repairs and installations. Our team consists of experienced water heater technicians who have extensive knowledge and skills in the industry.

Our goal is to ensure the highest quality and customer satisfaction, offering a professional approach to both repairs and installation of new water heaters. We are proud of the fact that we have earned the trust and recognition of our customers over many years thanks to our attention to detail, efficient work organization and quick problem solving.

Our technicians are fully trained and certified to work with all types of water heaters, regardless of make or model. We keep up with the latest technology and best practices to ensure our customers get the best and most efficient solution for their needs.

If you need help with your water heater repair or installation, please contact us. We are here to provide a professional service, listening to your needs and providing a sustainable and effective solution.

Thank you for choosing us!